Edmund Optics® continues to monitor developments around COVID-19. While no one can predict the future, for now we have no immediate plans to alter how we serve you. We are still offering fast shipping and holding 24/5 customer service and support hours. If things change, we have contingency plans in place to prevent service disruptions and are taking our lead from local agencies and governments from around the world. To provide you the best possible service, we are leveraging our factories with redundant capabilities and our robust inventory of over 34.000 products located in five global distribution centers.
Our focus is always on the safety and well-being of our customers, employees, and suppliers. We will continue to share guidance and information as it becomes pertinent. As we have done for over 75 years, we continue to make customer service our #1 priority and at this difficult time we are especially proud to be able to support industries like biotech and life sciences that are working hard to find solutions.
Um die Sicherheit unserer Kunden und Mitarbeiter zu gewährleisten, treffen wir verschiedene Vorsichtsmaßnahmen beim Verpacken und Versenden von Ware, wie das Tragen von Handschuhen und Mundschutz, die Einhaltung von Sicherheitsabständen zwischen Lagermitarbeitern und gegenüber Fahrern der Spediteure, das Abwischen aller Stationen der Transportgeräte und eine strenge Händehygiene.
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